Friday, November 19, 2010

Certification Update

Thank you to all my friends and fam for the love and support in my journey towards becoming a teacher. For an update: I have been taking classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays as well as online classes. My Tuesday/Saturday classes end December 11th, phew! And I have completed my online classes. Hooray! Now I am preparing for my actual certification tests. My Early Childhood-6th Grade certification test is this coming Monday. I pass and I am certified to teach these grade levels in the state of Texas. I have been studying like crazy. I have to admit it is a little bit of an adjustment studying for a major test after being out of school for a few years. But I have been able to buckle down and tackle it. Please keep me in your prayers on Monday. I will keep you all posted. Then, I will be taking my Junior High certification test in January. Meanwhile, I have been subbing in Sealy a bunch and am completely loving it! I have met some wonderful people. I am also in the middle of my sub training for Katy. Hopefully I will start subbing in Katy come December. This subbing is awesome because I get to experience different grade levels to see what I like. At this point I am still very open to younger and older grade levels. But, we will see:) Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I just love your blog. I stumbled across it when I was researching the color "Latte" by Sherwin Williams. I saw that you painted most of your living area this color. Are you enjoying this color? How does the color feel? I presently live with "Blonde" by Sherwin Williams on my walls, and it seems to be a bit too yellow. The color stresses me out just a tad. It gives me anxiety because I can never seem to feel rested. I am a former elementary school teacher who is now a mom of 3 beautiful blessings. I chose to home-school my children. I'm looking for a pleasant, calm, and warm environment. Do you feel that this color makes you feel this way? Does your husband like it? Thank you for taking the time to answer.
