Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Decisions and Change

I look back and realize I have not been a very good blogger this past month. Alot has been going on! First, our week nights seem to be packed to the brim between puppy obedience class for our new addition, June, and teaching 4th grade CCE. Both I should mention are going great! June is growing and learning so much and Adam and I are truly enjoying sharing our faith with bright-eyed 4th graders. They are amazing!

In addition to this craziness, Adam and I have been in much prayer and discussion about my current job situation. After much, MUCH thought, I have decided to pursue a career in teaching. Currently, I am in agency sales for a media research company called The Media Audit. With much support from my dear husband and our families and friends, I resigned from my current position this past Friday (October 1st). Can you say scary? And many people think I am nuts!

But, yes, I am taking the leap and couldn't be more thrilled! My last day here at The Media Audit is October 15th. October 16th I will begin my teaching certification classes and begin subbing and "shadowing" as much as I can. This is vital in order to gain classroom experience and contacts.

I am so excited to finally be pursuing this dream! I began college as an education major, but stupidly dropped it at KU only because it was a 5 year program. I always said I would just "get certified" after college. Boy am I regretting that. Dumb! I should have stuck to my gut. And I should have known all along that this was my path! I even asked for and received an overhead projector for Christmas '93. I played school on that thing for hours on end until it was eventually donated to the Ole Miss Pi Phis later in college;)

So here I am, 3.5 years out of college, still lingering onto this dream. I am so thankful and blessed with the most amazing and supportive husband as Adam. He is a dream and I could have never even imagined a more loving, supportive man who just wants to see me happy with my job.

I will be getting certified to teach grades 4-8 and look forward to updating you all on my progress! Please keep me in your prayers.


  1. Yay! Congrats on the new career path, I hope you love it!
    Call me if you ever want to come "shadow" at KJH :)

  2. I am so proud of you, my little one!!! You are going to be the most amazing teacher!! Love you so much! Mom

  3. I have decided that there is no such thing as knowing what you want to be when you grow up. And that's okay. It's good for our dreams to grow and change as we grow and change; and sometimes we have to make the wrong choices before we figure out the correct choice for our life.

    I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up, and as frustrating as it is, I am completely okay with it. The journey is half the story.

    Congratulations on following your dreams! I wish you the best!
